
of algae, libraries, and plants

Talked with Jim last night about wanting to look over at the main part of Earl May Seed and Nursery, also Green Plains (the ethanol plant) while I'm here. He said he knows some of the people at both places and will look into getting me a potential tour of both. But at the same time I'm not giving up on contacting them myself.

Jim and a few other guys have been working on this project for years where they want to present it to the government and the head-honchos about how you can produce vast amounts of algae protein by utilizing the CO2 from the various large-operation plants around the nation, therefore cutting the carbon footprint to nearly non-existence. I understand their idea and it sounds not unlike some of the things some of the people in the classes I took at OSU want to see happen, but they don't exactly know how to go about it.

Anyway, Jim asked me if I'd be interested in doing a bit of work on it while I'm here, and I said I would be alright with doing some work on it. Jim called one of the guys this morning and it looks like they might even be able to pay me to work on assembling a presentation binder for their project. We'll see how it goes...

I'm currently at the library. I like it here. It's small (they have neither Hornblower or Master and Commander books... it's a royal shame. I might be able to get them from another branch though) and reminds me kinda of the old Hood River library. I'm sad that it's about to go under. Hopefully not for long though. But anyway, like the HR Library, they have a huge plan to renovate this library in the near future. I'm just hopeful that they'll be able to keep it up an running for longer than the HR library has been since the renovation.

Anyway, they have a few events every so often here at the library, and it just so happens that on July 22nd they're going to have a Pirates of the Caribbean marathon starting around 12pm and ending, goodness knows when. They'll have snacks and such and I can bring my own dinner if I want to stay for the whole thing (who wouldn't???). I'm considering going. Could be fun, and Jan might like it too. I'll bring it up later when I get back to the farmhouse.

Got up later than I planned... again. Think it's from the benadryl-coma I was in again last night because I had a few new bites that were really starting to bother me. I really need to get better about going to bed sooner too. It's just that it's so hot and light out until late these days, and then i want to stay up and call people or do stuff online, or read my books. But that aside, I just need to prioritize sleep a bit more I suppose.

After getting up, doing some more crunches and push-ups (I'm up to 50) and re-organizing my room, Jim and I went down to the house in town to clean up the backyard a bit more and then went over to the Earl May retail store in town and offered the guy $550 for all the rest of the vegetable and herb plants he had sitting out on sale (it's around 500 really nice plants. mostly tomatoes, but also various peppers, broccoli, eggplant, and sweet potatoes). The guy just said he'd work some numbers and get back to us in awhile. Then we went over to The Garage Sale Guy, which is this old building packed chock-full of random stuff. It's like a thrift store, but with endless amounts of stuff. It's actually kinda like living history because people just bring all of their stuff there. It was kinda funny, I found some shot glasses from the Portland Rose Festival and Gresham --- when does that happen in small-town, Iowa?

Thinking about bringing it up to Jan that I could streak her hair or highlight it or something. She'd actually brought it up to me and I guess I'd not really thought about it, but then mom mentioned it the other day and I thought: Hey! that's actually a good idea. Plus, leaves potential for more aunt-niece bonding time, lol. :)

Added some more pictures to my first facebook album and then created and uploaded more to a second facebook album. Check 'em out (but you don't have to comment on all of them...!!!)

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